Bruno drama with Eminem was staged: MTV writer admits

Suspicions over the legitimacy of “butt-gate” had been brewing for days, but it wasn’t until a writer for the MTV Movie Awards confessed that we all knew for sure. On his blog, head writer Scott Aukerman wrote that the incident was staged. “They rehearsed it at dress (rehearsal) and yes, it went as far as it did on the live show.” Wow. Let it never be MTV movie awards 2009said that Eminem isn’t a team player.

Baron Cohen, clad in white feather wings and a jockstrap, swept from the air on a harness and landed face down in the lap of Eminem, who was wearing a microphone and sitting in the audience. On TV, the rapper was then shown leaving the building, in what MTV said was “a heated rage.”

But writer Scott Aukerman, who worked with the show’s presenter Andy Samberg, wrote in a blog posting on Monday that the “the Bruno/Eminem incident was staged.”

“That’s all anyone wants to talk about, so let’s get it out of the way. They rehearsed it at dress (rehearsal) and yes, it went as far as it did on the live show then,” Aukerman wrote. The posting has since been removed


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